Sunday, January 30, 2011

the beginning: bag heads, maxwell and the fountain.

I started working at the Tower Theatre in downtown Sacramento on December 16th, 2008. My brother had just quit, and somehow I still hired after putting the worst possible references (people I later learned stole considerable amounts from the company). Reading was desperate, I guess. But before that..

Here's the first picture I ever took of Tower. Yes, it was in front of the fountain. There was only fun  though, no posing.
I attended my first Tower Midnight Screening with the film "Baghead," possibly one of the worst movies I've ever seen for free. But the boys made pretty masks.
 And pretty dance moves. (the movie got so amazingly terrible that these two got in front of the screen with no shirts on and did the wheel-barrel. best part of the film, hands down.. on the floor..)
 An homage to dear ex-employee Maxwell (pictured above).
 And of course I took another photo of that goddamn fountain!

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