Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Shit They Give Us, 4th Edition: "Don't Miss the Sequel!"

So says the fugly recycling bin they sent us, shaped like a "Dasani" bottle. My least favorite bottled water, and I hate bottled water. It sticks out like a sore thumb in the theatre, a new plastic container within a decrepit old building.
Like all things at Tower, there was fun to be had with it. The common inkling is to wear it like a spaceman (modeled below by Whitney and I). Trent also had a good idea, shoving someone in it and rolling them down the hallways. Matt Max had a worse idea, stepping inside it, which was pretty fun until he couldn't get out of it, which became some great entertainment.
But even more fun was the gigantic cardboard box it came in. Angela, Whitney and I, the little kittens we are, thought it was at least.
Music: "The Spaceship Song" by Tiny Tim

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