Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Time Wastin'

On my day off, Dylan sent me these videos. Good to know nothing changes when you're off the clock.

Shit They Give Us, 4th Edition: "Don't Miss the Sequel!"

So says the fugly recycling bin they sent us, shaped like a "Dasani" bottle. My least favorite bottled water, and I hate bottled water. It sticks out like a sore thumb in the theatre, a new plastic container within a decrepit old building.
Like all things at Tower, there was fun to be had with it. The common inkling is to wear it like a spaceman (modeled below by Whitney and I). Trent also had a good idea, shoving someone in it and rolling them down the hallways. Matt Max had a worse idea, stepping inside it, which was pretty fun until he couldn't get out of it, which became some great entertainment.
But even more fun was the gigantic cardboard box it came in. Angela, Whitney and I, the little kittens we are, thought it was at least.
Music: "The Spaceship Song" by Tiny Tim

Monday, February 14, 2011

We Like To Destroy Things Once They Are In Our Lives For Too Long.

Specifically cardboard advertisements that have stayed in the lobby past their welcome. Below once was "Taking Woodstock," an elaborate standee (that I assembled with the help of a couple coworkers) featuring a three-dimensional, black-light clad border. The thing needed to come down. (eventually)

This one was a little premature, but after 2 months of having the same film, with the same janky, bent standee (making us look, gawd forbid, even more trashy), something had to be done. First there was kicking. and then key throwing and scratching. what did it in was the broom being launched into the review section.

One standee (not pictured) was legitimately karate-kicked by former projectionst Peter, Karate Master. I believe it was either Slumdog Millionaire or Sin Nombre?

127 Hours was fun, because in order to dissemble it, I had to completely crawl inside it. the jostling bit of cardboard on the floor created quite a curious scene for unsuspecting customers.

That standee was just fun all around.

It was not his multitool. It was me.

"127 Meowers: Between a Fluff and a Hard Place"

Thanks, CatPaint.
I made this particular creation my screen wallpaper.

Break Dance Kitty Launch!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

R.I.P. Wooden Jungle Bench

I miss this thing so much. It made smoke breaks at tower seem so magical, especially because it was hidden in the secret jungle by the intersection.

We've had many smoke great cigs together, and you, Benchy, will forever live in my heart. Not as the broken down mass of rotted wood that you became, not even as a wobbly, slanted half-bench held up by brick slabs. But whole, and beautiful as you once were. There's angels smoking on you now.

Shit They Give Us, 3rd Edition: "New" Carpet

First, the old carpet. We've had it since they renovated the theatre in the 70's, and every inch of it was covered in spilled substances. The Five Second Rule did not apply to this atrocity, unless you count the amount of time it took for spilled liquid to completely disappear in it.

Before the gaudy carpet was installed, terrazzo flooring rules the lobby. As you can see in the photo below depicting the original lobby from the 30's, there used to be a lounge up where concessions is now, which gives a lot more sense to the restroom placement these days. Also, it was ladies night, luxurious china give-away. We should have those again, the old people would love it.

When they ripped the old carpet out, they found not only a disgusting mass of old floor padding, but the remnants of the original terrazzo, lining the entire lobby and corridors. They jackhammered that beautiful shit out. Maybe it was the Swastikaesque "t" logo in the middle...

Aaand here is what they laid down.

It's technically new, if you don't count the fact that it was just surplus of carpet from another one of Reading's other cinemas, which they actually take care of.

It looks like shitty space with popcorn flying about (good movie house design, considering there IS popcorn flying about)

It was sort of nice getting carpet I feel safe laying down on.

 Angela's real excited.

They told us when they installed it that it was just temporary (you know, to avoid lawsuits from the ratty old carpet, or more possible because of a lawsuit). They told us they were working on reproducing the original carpet of the theatre in it's heyday, beautiful art deco sweeping birds, to replace the "temporary carpet. I'll believe it when I see it installed. But we still have a little remnant of the original wool carpeting in our dressing room, so a girl can dream.

Beautiful Sunny Sunset at Shift Change

I walked out into the courtyard after my shift to see these two lovely creatures basking in the glory of the end of the sun that day.
 Jon photographs so well when I'm not the one photographing him. But somehow these turned out beautifully. I give credit to the sun, it wouldn't let me fuck it up.
 Gladys didn't want her photo taken, so I "shot" her with my camera (making cheesy gun sounds as I took the pictures). I got some smiles out of her.
 Yes, Jon was drinking a Rockstar. Caught him.
 The fresh rain puddles mirrored the sunset so wonderfully.
 Van Gogh wizard trees and their shadows.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Shit They Give Us, 2nd Edition: ridiculous chipmunks

There's a new concessionist in town
 at least he smiles. (behind him are ugly new signs, how I miss the old chalk ones.)
 Aaaaand, more face swap, incased you missed it already.
 tessa looks like a Juggelette. I look like I shouldn't exist.
 James makes it look real. (R.I.P. ticket maker robot)
These ended up in the garbage in only a couple of days, usually it takes longer. I wanted to keep them around and make a game out of hiding them places, but no one seemed at the same level as me.

Hair by Angela

It gets reeeeaal boring, especially in the summer. we do this.
 I think CJ was taking a picture of himself on his computer. Got it covered.
 Angela does her own hair too
 And mine, while Jon serenades me

Ok, let's do Face Swap.

OK, these are summa the first swaps ever to grace our existence.

Chrinessa and Vanistian: an internet celebrity and an androgynous irish caveman.
 Vylan and Danessa: that dude at the metal concert and a disneyland safari guide.
 Andron and Jondrea: broken jaw and Matt Damon's weird little brother
 Angelon and Jongela: Mandy Moore and Matt Damon's weird little sisters.
 Angelly and Kelgela: this just makes me real happy.
Timice and Candothy: Zach P and me lookin' fiine with a beard.
 Cincent: Russian spy.

Hot Gams!

Hot Gams is legendary, this is the only known photograph in existence. How the hell does she keep those legs so firm and supple? She's gotta be 80. And she's so quick, you can't look twice.

Shit They Give Us, 1st Edition: "Babies" Snuggies

 Corporate likes to give us presents, they tell us to give them to customers, but how and why? the only time I gave something to a customer, 5 other people demanded one too. No Way.

Here's the snuggies with "Babies" embroidered on the front, Modeled by Peter and Dylan.
John and I took a different direction...
 ...embracing the cult.
 Lil' impish demons
They also gave us tshirts, specifically to the staff, which we wear sometimes. James wore his to the coffee shop where the girl behind the counter asked in what seemed like the most degrading and accusatory way, "Are you seriously wearing a shirt that says 'babies...?'"

the beginning: bag heads, maxwell and the fountain.

I started working at the Tower Theatre in downtown Sacramento on December 16th, 2008. My brother had just quit, and somehow I still hired after putting the worst possible references (people I later learned stole considerable amounts from the company). Reading was desperate, I guess. But before that..

Here's the first picture I ever took of Tower. Yes, it was in front of the fountain. There was only fun  though, no posing.
I attended my first Tower Midnight Screening with the film "Baghead," possibly one of the worst movies I've ever seen for free. But the boys made pretty masks.
 And pretty dance moves. (the movie got so amazingly terrible that these two got in front of the screen with no shirts on and did the wheel-barrel. best part of the film, hands down.. on the floor..)
 An homage to dear ex-employee Maxwell (pictured above).
 And of course I took another photo of that goddamn fountain!